Most of the social topics I mention here revolve around Christians not doing what they're supposed to be doing. That fact makes my skin crawl. Some of us do what Americans are expected to do all the time. We eat, drink, work out, wash our cars, pay taxes, work, have weekends, and so on. But when was the last time we did something that was specifically what is expected of a follower of Jesus Christ. Have we read Scripture today as if it were complete Truth for life? Have we thanked God for how good He has been to us? Have we tithed wholly? Have we treated our bodies like temples for the Holy Spirit? Have we truly loved each person we've seen today and not just pretended?
Why do Christians still screw up? Hasn't the love of God changed us? Haven't we let Him work in our lives? Why do we keep taking charge of our actions and thoughts? Why do we say things we don't mean?
I am begging the Body of Christ, including myself, to surrender everything with full confidence that God is omnisciently and omnipotently faithful. He can, and He will do whatever He knows is perfect in a perfect way. He doesn't need our permission. We don't have to let Him. But surrender is a much better light in which to see His work than either apathy or resistance. Be who you say you are. Be God's people. Be His appendages. Be his ambassadors. Be His love letters to the world. But please, don't lie about it with your life.