Monday, July 9, 2007

Hiking in the Rain

Today was my first full day of break, and it was splendidly serene. I woke up at 9:15 (extremely late for me) and washed every tiny crevice of my car for the first time in months. This afternoon, I went on a hike with my friends Trey, Melissa, and Paige. Walking through the woods was not a new experience for me, the hunter's daughter. I realized how comfortable I felt there - not because of a God-given love for it, but maybe because of genetics or growing accostumed to it over the years. When I was a little girl, the only time I had to spend with my dad was outdoors. I loved it simply because he did. And now, it's a way to honor him, even in times like today when he isn't around.

Trey led as we hiked downhill for a little over a mile to huge gorgeous waterfall. We took off our shoes there and hopped from rock to rock for a closer look. Raindrops began to fall through the trees, so we started back. I took the lead. We rested at a still place in the river. Trey swam as we girls drew in the sand and skipped rocks.

Back in the car on a gravel road, we saw a hawk and a black bear. The woods are a completely different world. "You only see something if you're looking for it." says Trey. I saw a lot today. I must have been subconsciously open to it. Being on that hike today made me think about life, as the woods always make me do. Simply stepping away from life can be the best thing for your life. It was a blessing to step away today, especially with such supportive friends.

"A wood at twilight holds a deep hush, that bids the heart be still, the foot step lightly on the earth." -Diana Gabaldon

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