Tuesday, September 25, 2007

"I'd Like to Buy The World a Coke"

I gave a speech on Coca-Cola this morning. My close Coke-drinking buddies (Paul, Corey, Ben, Neal, Tim, I love you all) have spurred me onward in my pursuit of happiness in the Coca-Cola-enhanced lifestyle. I bought 24 Cokes ("I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke" - 1971 slogan.) to distribute to my speech class. The red labels shined in the morning sun. The cold bottles were fogging over in the red plastic carton. I bumped into a doorframe, and all 24 bottles formed tiny bubbles of carbonation around the top rim. I don't even drink Coke, but it brightens my heart to see it. I have discovered that I am enamored by how Coke's appearance. Red, white, black, and yellow are my absolute favorite colors, thus Coke matches almost everything that I own. ("Red, white, and you" - 1986 slogan.) I love the feeling from Coca-Cola advertising, too -- all smiles and unity.

Yes, of course, world unity is fantacy-made. My inner peace, tranquility, happiness, and contentment come from Jesus Christ. He's the real thing. ("It's the real thing. - 1969 slogan.) But Coca-Cola makes me smile, and I'm sure God smiles when His child does. Have a Coke, and a smile (1979). Enjoy (2000).

Here's a meaningless poem I wrote in my freshman year of highschool. Enjoy!

You pop it open.
You read its slogan.
It shoots like a hose
Right up your nose.
You giggle a little
And laugh til you spittle.
You shake it around,
And then you get drowned.
Please don't smoke--
Just have a Coke.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are just so very cute miss yost. lets be best friends... <3 leasy