Monday, August 25, 2008

Which City?

While I was working at Marietta Baptist Camp during June and July, our worship leader, Jamie Koenig, introduced me to the song "God Of This City" by Chris Tomlin. The lyrics are truly inspirational and were especially so to me throughout the rest of the summer.

At MBC, I would pray for God to rule over the tiny southern town of Marietta, South Carolina, while I worked and lived there. God was moving in the lives of the children and the staffers. Each week, as one of my campers would sit with me at the altar and give her life to Christ for the first time, I knew that God was answering the prayers that we had sung for that little city.

After working at camp, I flew to Nairobi, Kenya, for a mission trip. I listened to "God Of This City" on my iPod while I was sitting under a mosquito net in a major African city. The irony that I had sung the very same thing to God in two very opposite settings made me smile. The children at the orphanage, the teens in the slums, the women in the open muddy market, the businessmen on the dirty streets, all of them were part of the city that I had prayed for God to use me to be His hope and light, just as I had at a summer camp.

Now, back in the southern United States, dorming and attending classes in the city of Tigerville, South Carolina, which is essentially the campus of North Greenville University, I pray that God will also reveal Himself as the God of this city during my time here.

"You're the Lord of Creation, the Creator of all things. You're the King above all Kings. You are. You're the strength in our weakness. You're the love to the broken. You're the joy in the sadness. You are. You're the God of this city. You're the King of these people. You're the Lord of this nation. You are. There is no one like our God. There is no one like our God. Greater things have yet to come. Great things are still to be done in this city. Greater things are still to come, and greater things are still to be done here."

Weakness, brokenness, and sadness exist in all cities, but God created them and reigns over them. He brings strength, love, joy, and hope, and He does that through His people. "Hakuna Mungu kama we we. Hakuna na hata kuweko." There is no one like our God. There is none and there never will be. Southern English or Swahili, Marietta or Nairobi - it makes no difference in the greatness of God. May He be the God of wherever I am.


K9 said...

Chris Tomlin!

Great song, great blog.

How about Cajarmachilla, Peru?

How about Anderson, Sc?

How about all of them?

God is the God of many cities, and many people, and many great things.

I find it pretty amazing that we've been to cities like this already.
And it just excites me to think about all the other cities that God will use us in over the next few years.

You're an amazing writer by the way.

sharon said...

Finally ... I have navigated the google blogger sign-in !! And not a moment too soon. Whatta posting !!

It just overwhelms me whenever I think of how many souls are on Planet Earth at this very minute and I am no more than a SPECK in the sea of humanity. But God in His GREATNESS ... vast immeasurable greatness ... takes note of a speck like me. A nobody in a little SC town ... He choses to know ME intimately! Cares about ME ! Loves me more than anyone on earth ! And He loves every other soul in every other city in just that intimate way. What a wonderful insight you have shared. Such a faith builder. And an encouragement to spread my arms wider and lift my voice louder to share the gospel with every little nobody like me !

You're something else, Girl. Something else !