Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Man's Best Friend

Every boy needs a dog.

My dad grew up with a German Shepherd named Buddy. They were inseparable. They hunted together, lived together, ate together, and if I remember stories correctly, Buddy was rather jealous of my mother. One of the best friendships I have ever had made a turn for it's best in middle school. My friend called me to cry on my shoulder over the death of his dog, and I realized that, at that time, even my friendship couldn't compare with that of his Golden Retriever. There's just something about the companionship canines offer.

Dogs are so faithful. If you get mad at them, they love you anyway. Boys need unconditional love.

Dogs don't have to be attractive to be acceptable. Spotted, solid, big or little, dogs are about the same -- either a good dog or a bad dog. A boy needs to learn that friends come in all shapes and sizes, but that character is what counts.

Dogs don't talk back. A dog will lie on it's stomach, prop its chin on its paws, and stick up one attentive ear as the owner mulls aloud over the complexities of the day. A boy needs a listening ear after long days of disappointments and disagreements.

Dogs are energetic. They are always happy to see you and love to run, play, and fetch. Boys need this excitement to celebrate the accomplishments that no one else noticed.

Then again, maybe man's best friend should be everyone's best friend.

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