Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My God, Like the Sky

True beauty is held in awe for all eternity and remains beautiful despite the angle from which it is viewed.

I have seen the sky from my hometown in the Carolina's, from a tour bus in Springfield, from the Riverwalk in San Antonio, from the freedom of Philidelphia, from the blue wind in Barcelona, from a holiday in Rome.... and from each point of view, the sky is beautiful.

I have seen God from a human's eyes, a child's eyes, a woman's eyes, a daughter's eyes, a student's eyes, a leader's eyes, a teacher's eyes, a friend's eyes... and from each point of view, God is beautiful.

Like the sky, He is always moving, ever seeming to change state and direction, yet somehow, when I see Him, I know He is forever the same. I cannot get bored with God -- nor His sky. I cannot fathom how immense both must be.

God speaks to me through the sky. Soft and silent or flashing and loud, He speaks. Powerful. Gentle. Omniscient. Unpredictable. Steady. I am so small. I succumb to a will other than my own. Who I am is put into perspective. Who He is pervades my life, my world, my thoughts, pervades who I am, just as the sky over-arches all life here.

Yes, the One whom I serve must resemble the sky that He made. ... But nothing could ever really compare to my God. Even something that pours water, bubbles with color, and wakes me up each morning, and calms me every night. That experience doesn't even come close to standing in the expanse of God's greatness.

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