Monday, February 4, 2008

The Day Is Coming

The day is coming.

The day that either shadows love or makes it glow.
The day when broken hearts are scribbled on tear-stained notebook paper or delicate flowers are made unexpectedly powerful.
The day when my favorite color (red) and my least favorite flower (rose) are used to torture me.

I had planned to carry on about how much I despise the upcoming holiday until I walked into Wal-mart tonight. The usual attack of Valentine merchandise was gathered at the entrance and scattered throughout the store. The stuffed animals and chocolate boxes hurt my eyes, but I still could not squelch the smiley feeling... the taste of cinnamon candy hot on my tongue, the feel of tiny square valentines passed from friend to friend, the legend of Cupid, or the thought that maybe one day I won't hate February fourteenth so intensely.

I find myself praying more during February. Christ is the only force that keeps me all together; His love is like Elmer's glue for the construction-paper heart that beats within my chest. He knows the day is coming, and so He's gluing me together to make me stronger and getting me ready for the day I have never seen. I trust Him. The day is coming.

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