Thursday, November 8, 2007

Facebook Fast

Last night, I was chatting online with a good friend who had decided to give up checking facebook for a week. I decided to join him. What would it hurt?

I'm already having withdrawals. I didn't realize how often I checked it. But, taking facebook away from myself has given me time to write a speech, empty out all sorts of emails that had built up over the school year, and start on a paper that is due in a few weeks -- and that's only in a few hours. There are several other things I plan on doing with all the extra time... like clean off this mess of a desk I'm sitting in right now.

For those of you who know me, this week would be a great time to call, since one large source of communication is absent. The good thing is, I'm not dependent on it, and I'll still be busy. I'd like to encourage you all to join me in attempting something new, though small, this week. It's an adventure and tests your psyche. Let me know what you try.

1 comment:

K9 said...

Can't even last one little week, what is this world coming to ?